Shooting Sportsman, November/December 2023
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Up Front with Fausti
An interview with Fausti Arms President Giovanna Fausti
by Ralph Stuart
In the Land of Kings
To Greenland for king eiders and more
by Gary Kramer
Hunting for Habitat
Celebrating conservation on the Montana prairie
by Ryan Sparks
Grouse Guns of the Old Guard
Lessons from wingshooting’s legendary scribes
by Jon Osborn
From the Editor
The waterfowl outlook and an eagle retriever
Bringing prairies to the people, gun-screw likes and dislikes, and more
The Opener
Courting canvasbacks and one hot hen
Game & Gun Gazette
Kevin’s Game Fair; Purdey knives, new guns from Holland & Holland, Chapuis and Fausti; etc.
Gun Review
Unraveling the enigma of the Cosmi Steel Deluxe
by Greg Carpiniello
Field Gear
Items to aid in seeing more “landing gear”
by The Editors
To the Point
The legend and lore of hunting canvasbacks
by Tom Huggler
The Gun Rack
Pumping up the Remington 870 Fieldmaster
by Joe Genzel
Out-of-the-ordinary holiday-gift-giving ideas
by Chris Batha
Shot Talk
Experienced advice for choosing shot types
by Tom Roster
Hunting Dogs
How to prevent—or deal with—losing a dog
by Mark Coleman
Waterfowling’s Holy Grail: the king eider. Photograph by Gary Kramer/