Going Once, Going Twice
Sitting in on James D. Julia's fall firearms auction
Griffin & Howe
Looking back--and ahead--at a legendary sporting retailer
Frederick Beesley: A Patent Success
The man responsible for the best "best' design ever
Make Mine Mearns
Blue skies and beautiful birds in Arizona
The Captains' Geese
Waterfowling in the path of Lewis & Clark
- By: E. Donnall Thomas Jr.
Taking Her Along
Proper introductions to the upland life
From the Editor
Looking back, and then ahead into the new year
Welcoming women, the importance of shotstrings and more
Clapton Guns Auctioned
If you were wondering how many people donned winter-weight tweeds and jetted off to London for Nick Holt’s December 11 fine-gun auction despite the economic freeze, I can assure you it was enough. A standing-room-only crowd was outnumbered by commission and telephone clients whose collective zeal heated bidding, with numerous lots exceeding their estimates.
Blixt & Co.
Lars Magnusson was in his element when I visited him at Lazy Triple Creek Ranch, in Idaho, in late 2007. A talented and energetic young man, Magnusson was fully engaged in the job for which he had trained.
Seeking the Damascus Rosetta Stone
After being consigned to the proverbial scrap heap of history for the better part of the 20th Century, Damascus is back in a big way. In England W.W. Greener is again making new “best” guns using vintage Damascus tubes to great acclaim.
'Gunsmithing British Side by Side Shotguns'
Someone ought to make a detailed video showing double-gun disassembly and repair.” I’ve heard it said many times, and I’ve heard a few people say that it’s such a good idea that they were going to do it. Finally, someone actually has.
Guest Gun: A Bespoke Experience
I was nearing retirement, the major expenses in my life were taken care of, and my children were grown and gone. I started thinking about rewarding myself with a retirement gift. I’d watched my pennies and kept life simple, and that was worth a reward. No Corvette or cruise, nor even a safari to Africa; no big RV, no camp in the woods.
Practice now or pay later
Fine Gunmaking
Jim Greenwood, double-gun stocker.
Shot Talk
Performance-testing RST's specialty shotshells.
Hunting Dogs
Expanding your training toolbox with Gary Wilkes.
Sporting Clays
Measuring for the gun that fits & hits.
Gun Review
Fausti's Dea Round Body: a well-designed performer
The traditional artisinal gunmakers of Spain.
Field Gear
Seeing, looking and shooting well on the range.
Book Review
Muderlak, Wieland, Reuter and Winter
The Major
Scotch & stream water as the elixir of life.